WJCT Public Media - Our Public API

Our Public API

This web page shows the status of WJCT Public Media services across all television channels, radio stations, websites, digital audio streaming and apps. Upcoming maintenance and any known issues will be published here.

To report an issue or outage that is not listed below, please contact WJCT Audience Services at audienceservices@wjct.org or 904-358-6360.



Get the overall status for your status page. Doesn’t include components and historical notices.

"page": {
"name": "WJCT Public Media",
"url": "https://status.wjct.org",
"status": "HASISSUES"
"activeIncidents": [
"id": "cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
"name": "We're facing an issue with our API",
"started": "2022-06-11T18:55:50Z",
"status": "INVESTIGATING",
"impact": "MAJOROUTAGE",
"url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/incident/cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"
"activeMaintenances": [
"id": "cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
"name": "Database maintenance",
"start": "2022-06-11T18:55:54Z",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"duration": "60",
"url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/maintenance/cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"


Get your status page components, and active issues affecting them.

"id": "ckf01fvnxywz60a35wdbn5gz5",
"name": "App",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"description": "",
"isParent": false,
"children": []